

Hi, I'm Dave Steve Kandey, you can call me just Dave!
I'm an introverted, phlegmatic, creative and complex person, but I do like simple for sure -as it always be when my perfectionist barricade breakdown-

I do like organizing something, learned it a lot from my High School (SMANSA Balikpapan). I graduated in 2015 as a Civil Engineer (UNSRAT Manado) and Water Resources for Irrigation System was my speciality.

I've been joining Christian Student Movement from 2011 and in 2016 I'm focusing myself in PERKANTAS Sulut as an Alumni, and still preparing to take Master Course abroad!

I do interest in music, game, go-green-movement, Bible study, Musical Stage and Christian Student Movement.
Feel free to contact me.


someone whispered through tue night,
i'm not sure if it was angel or demon,
but now I realize,

every single thing, wasn't meant forever, except one thing.

when you wasn't sure for something, sure you won't be something you wanna be, even when words could be, but words will only be words, without real acts.

it could be as sweet as honey, but please, bees took nectar from flower and fertilize it. 
but you took the good from me and left me afterwards.

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just write it!